Monday, 8 September 2014

Best Linux Tools for Mathematics, Scientific calculations, Algebra and Graphs

Mathematics with Linux are very interesting. Below is an overview of main programs for calculation, algebra, and graphs for scientific applications. These programs run on Red Hat Fedora and other Linux branches : Ubuntu / Mint / Arch / Suse / CentOS / Debian / Knoppix

Scientific Calculation

R A language for statistical computing and graphics (R-core)
rkward IDE/GUI for the R-project
calctool A multi-GUI (terminal, X, XView) calculator program
Sage. It's basically a Mathematica/Maple replacement.
Maxima Symbolic mathematics program. like Maple and Mathematica (maxima-gui wxMaxima)
octave High-level interactive language for numerical computations clone of Matlab
octave-forge Many additional features to math/octave
rascal The Advanced Scientific CALculator
scigraphica A scientific application for data analysis and technical graphics
scilab A free Matlab clone by INRIA & ENPC
petsc Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific computation Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific computation Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific computation
sage sagemath basically a Mathematica/Maple replacement.
gsl GNU Scientific Library
SpeedCrunch Fast, high precision and powerful desktop calculato
mathomatic computer Algebra system (CAS) and calculator
Root Data Analysis


biggles Create publication-quality 2D scientific plots
linux-dislin A scientific data plotting package
ngraph A XY plotting tool for students, scientists and engineers
qscanplot A program to extract data from scanned plots, graphs and figures
lybniz Mathematical function graph plotter
matplotlib Python plotting library
GGobi Data Visualization
G3DATA Extracting data from graphs
gnuplot graphing tool
grace WYSIWYG tool to make two-dimensional plots of numerical data


py-gato A Python-based toolbox to visualise algorithms on graphs
py-gnuplot Python interface to gnuplot plotting program
py-gsl Python interface to GNU Scientific Library
py-numeric The Numeric Extension to Python
py-numeric17 The Numeric Extension to Python
py-probstat Probability And Statistics Utils for Python
py-scientific Collection of Python modules for scientific computing
SciPy Scientific tools for Python
Spyder Scientific PYthon Development EnviRonment


GNU Units Scale converter

1 comment:

  1. I recently wrote two books on wxMaxima for the first-year calculus curriculum at Solano Community college in Fairfield, CA. I actually did all the work on a Linux machine running Crunchbang, but nearly every student is using wxMaxima on a Windows machine (no problem). My goal was to create a complete package (open source software and open licensed textbook) allowing colleges to run computer algebra labs with no additional financial burden on the students or the institution -- and it appears to be working!

    Zak Hannan
    Instructor of Math and Physics
    Solano Community College
