Saturday, 21 June 2014

HP The Machine new supercomputer monster for big datas

The Machine from HP Labs is a major disruptive technology innovation. Capable of adressing 160 petabytes in 250 nanoseconds, the machine uses photoelectornics with ions storage capability on memristors and a optic fiber connection between memory and processor. The Machine should run on open source software stack and non volatile android operating system version are already in development. This is a revolution in computing ! Great HP Labs. The Machine should be commercialized from 2018.

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Visualizing the Internet in Real Time - a tool for BIg Datas by Akamai Technologies

The tools offered by Akamai to measure the Internet are quite interesting, notably they have stats about number of users, number of sites, network connections, attacks/viruses, network performance and are using some visualisation framworks to make the datas more friendly.

KONA DashboardNet Usage Index by Industry
Real-time Web MonitorMobile Index
Network Performance ComparisonSpining Globe
Visualizing AkamaiIOS Spinning Globe
 Broadband Adoption Trends